Why NDO?
A World Class Fishing Destination
Nestled in the majestic coastal mountains near Terrace, British Columbia, Canada, the mighty Skeena River and its tributaries form the major arteries that fork through stands of old growth forest and steep valley walls. It is in this river system that some of the strongest runs of large, wild steelhead and salmon left in the world return. Each year, steelhead, chinook (Kings), coho (silvers), sockeye, pink, and chum salmon ascend the Lower Skeena from the Pacific Ocean and join the trophy trout and char that reside in rivers year round. It is here that Nicholas Dean is strategically situated to provide anglers with world class guided fishing adventures, along with gourmet dining, and first class accommodations at our new facility, Yellow Cedar Lodge.
The Experience
Imagine yourself airing out a long cast with your Spey rod on one of the Kalum River’s best runs for trophy steelhead, or skating a dry fly across the tailout of a boulder-studded pool on the Copper River for its aggressive steelhead. Or, try tackling the giant chinook of the Skeena River, fish of over 60 lbs that can melt a reel with line spooling runs, or sight fishing for acrobatic Coho as they take your fly in a large swirl. All in the shadow of towering, snow capped mountains and untouched coastal rainforests, where bald eagles, grizzly bears and other wildlife still roam free. Savour the sumptuous fine dining provided by red seal chefs Amanda & Mark Ross, or share your day’s stories over a glass of scotch with a few friends as you relax in the comfort of the lodge. At Nicholas Dean, these experiences are a reality.
Accommodations at Nicholas Dean are first class, clean and very friendly, designed with our guests in mind – we know that you will enjoy yourself for the duration of your trip. Guest accommodations are comprised of both single and double rooms, with comfortable double or king beds, and quality linen. Each room is equipped with its own private shower, which is supplied with abundant hot water from our private, licensed well. The showers are powerful, with no added chemicals, just pure spring water – just what is needed to refresh the body at the end of a long day. Each room has ample storage for your clothes and luggage and is just steps away from all the amenities that YCL has to offer.
The main dining area in the lodge features a large dining table, overhead is a high, vaulted ceiling where you can enjoy your home cooked meal. After dinner, continue the big fish banter while sitting in front of the warm fireplace, perhaps with a scotch – scotch always makes the stories bigger and better!
A wonderful feature at Nicholas Dean is a newly renovated heated dry/wader room where you will keep your fishing gear and clothing. Each night the heaters are turned on to ensure that your gear is dry the next morning’s adventure!
Some cellular coverage is available at the lodge but we do have wireless internet available for the executive that needs connectivity to the office or you just need to share your big fish picture with you family or buddy! We are sure you will enjoy our comfortable, first class environment.