This is the season that has made the Skeena justifiably famous. The Skeena’s Summer Steelhead have entered their home tributaries and the Fall-Run fish are pouring in strong and fresh from the sea. They average 8 to 15 pounds, though 15 to 20-pound fish are not uncommon, and each year fish over 20 pounds are caught. Plus, there is always a chance at one over 30 pounds! In the Fall season, any cast in the fabled waters of the Skeena Watershed has the potential to connect with a world record steelhead. Our Fall Steelhead are surface-oriented and in the right conditions can readily be taken with waking dry flies.
Simply put, Fall scenery in the Skeena Region is spectacular. There are freshly snow-capped mountains blanketed with deep green conifers and along the streams hardwoods are glowing in full fall foliage. Generally, the weather is cool and brisk in the morning, but can warm up to short-sleeve weather in the afternoon. We fish some of the most beautiful wilderness rivers in the world, featuring towering, snow-capped mountains rising over 3000 feet above meandering streams, surrounded in the orange, red and green of British Columbia’s coastal autumn, which makes for an experience that you’ll never forget. It doesn’t get any better!
Visit Nicholas Dean during the September 1st to mid-November time frame and experience what started it all. But, be warned, our Fall Steelhead program is one of our most popular programs, and does require reservations a year or more in advance. Contact us today!