Why Choose To Fish With Us?

World Class
Nestled in the majestic coastal mountains near Terrace, British Columbia, Canada, the mighty Skeena River is home to some of the strongest runs of large, wild steelhead and salmon left in the world.

Imagine yourself airing out a long cast with your Spey rod on one of the Kalum River’s best runs for trophy steelhead, or skating a dry fly across the tailout of a boulder-studded pool on the Copper River for its aggressive steelhead.

Accommodations at Nicholas Dean are first class, clean and very friendly, designed with our guests in mind – we know that you will enjoy yourself for the duration of your trip.
Explore The Possibilities…
Seasons & Packages
The Lodge
What Others Are Saying
Chris B, New York
Booking Ease
“I have booked many trips in the past and all seem to be a bit vague on some of the details. I was determined to get as much information as I could before booking. The website was decent but Chad Black was amazing to deal with. He and I conversed over email for about a month. At the end of the day, I think we sent 50 emails in total. Chad answered all the questions, did not pressure me and I booked with ease for my father and I. Now some 10 months later, after returning from the trip, I had to give a testimonial. The adventure was everything Chad and I discussed, not exaggerated, exactly as described. There is NO doubt we will be back and for many years to come.”
Jeff S, San Francisco
Amazing Guides
“Of all the destinations I have been, the guides were all amazing. Each with their own personality, yet all had the same goal in mind, make sure I had the best trip I could have. It wasn’t always about catching the fish, although we caught lots, it was about nature, the surroundings and some local history. Just loved the fishing experience and everyone should make an effort to visit Nicholas Dean. I would recommend this adventure to anyone interested in fly fishing for salmon or steelhead!”
Simon D, London
Trip of a Lifetime
“Growing up in Montana, it was always a dream of mine to fly fish for steelhead in the rugged outdoors of BC. Now in my late 50’s it was the time to do my “trip of a lifetime” I researched the internet for months and decided that the Lower Skeena and Terrace area was the place to have the best chance at success. Nicholas Dean was the first site I looked at and I got a good feel. The website had a SO much information I figured they weren’t hiding anything! Well, I booked, went on the trip of a lifetime and now I have returned. It was more than everything I dream of and has created a problem for me at home. How do I tell the wife I am going every year and already rebooked for 2020? I guess Hawaii is out!”